In Between the Sheets
Pulling Back the Covers to Enhance Your Sexual Experience
Are you ready to enhance your sexual experience, BUT, you don’t know where to start? Do you want to communicate your needs, wants, and desires to your partner, BUT, not sure how to start the conversation? Are you ready for a relationship, BUT, find it challenging to date while being a single mom? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then
In Between the Sheets: Pulling Back the Covers to Enhance Your Sexual Experience is for you!
Sisters In Arms
The Black Diamond Experience
Our Rise to Significance
There is always a story worth telling or remembering just as there is always a story that changed the life of the women embedded in it. We are these women with voices that no longer welcome silence as a coat of protection, we are these women speaking without the request for permission...we speak our stories out loud.
"It may take a minute, several hours, or many years to overcome, however, in the end, I would have everything I needed to overcome the challenges that were against me"
~ Jovita Miller - Coauthor​